Benghalia, SouheilaGuendouze, Meriem2018-06-252018-06-252016 purpose of the present study is to investigate the effect of the direct vocabulary instruction on the word association of the pupils of fourth year at seyoud Mohammed Middle School in Sigus, Oum-El-Bouaghi. In order to check this correlation, we hypothesized that direct and explicit vocabulary instruction enhances the pupils' word association quantitatively as well as qualitatively. To verify the validity of this hypothesis, an experimental study was conducted. Two groups were constituted our sample; an experimental group and a control one. A pre-test was administered to both groups to examine the pupils' mental lexicon the first word association test through a designed word list contains seventeen stimulus words, the pupils were asked to write the first word comes to their mind while reading the stimulus word each stimulus word required three option responses. The WAT1 was done without the implementation of the direct vocabulary instruction. The results have shown a limited categorized associations and a great amount of uncategorized associations. Afterwards, the two groups have received the treatment selected for the study. But each group with different treatment; the control group received no treatment; it followed the teacher usual instruction depending on the textbook, whereas the experimental group was taught through the implementing of the direct vocabulary teaching. As the treatment requires, we decided to divide it into two cycles with different activities but the same objective to enhance the pupils' word association on the two last WATs. WAT1 and WAT2 results have confirmed our hypothesis that the pupils' word association is gradually developed at both levels quantity and quality through the use of varied activities under the direct vocabulary instructionenLangue (anglais) : vocabulaire : enseignementInvestigating the effect of direct vocabulary instruction on the learners' word associationthe case of study fourth year pupils at Seyoud Mohammed school SigusOther