Badi, RimaElaggoune, Abdelhak2023-09-062023-09-062023-06-232353-012X paper aims to clarify the significance of strategic partnerships in the Obama administration’s national security policy with emerging powers in the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on India. Through an analysis of the 2010 and 2015 national security strategy documents, the study highlights the This paper aims to clarify the significance of strategic partnerships in the Obama administration’s national security policy with emerging powers in the Asia-Pacific region, with a particular focus on India. Through an analysis of the 2010 and 2015 national security strategy documents, the study highlights the importance of collaboration with India. The research also explores how China's rise contributed to the advancement of US-Indian cooperation, specifically in defence. Recognizing the interdependence of national and global interests, the Obama administration prioritized international cooperation on shared concerns, as evidenced by its rebalancing strategy for the Asia-Pacific region. Given their common concerns, the strategic partnership between the US and India, particularly in defence, assumed critical importance. The paper concludes that US-Indian defence cooperation is essential for safeguarding their shared interests in the Asia-Pacific region. KeywordsenObama administrationNational security strategy NNS documentsStrategic partnershipU.S.-IndiaChina’s risePromoting strategic partnerships in Obama's Asia-Pacific national security strategy: The Case of the US-India defence cooperationPromouvoir des partenariats stratégiques dans la stratégiede sécurité nationale Asie-Pacifique d’Obama:le cas de la coopération de défense Américano-indienneArticle