Zeddam, HamidaKhaldi, Hafida2018-04-092018-04-092015http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2702This current study investigates secondary school teachers' and learners' attitudes on the role of critical pedagogy to minimize misbehavior. It also examines the different types of classroom maladaptive behavior in secondary schools. Since these issues are psychological in nature, questionnaires are used the most reliable instrument to collect data. Thus, two questionnaires have been administered to both teachers and students. Regarding the findings of the two questionnaires, the most evident sources of disruptive behavior are chatter and gossip, shuffling of feet, unnecessary coughing, and moving chairs. However, the different types of inappropriate behaviors are, students' talking out of turn, students' get out of seat, unnecessary noise, verbal abuse, failure to do the assignments, unpunctuality and tardiness. These results also revealed some of the prominent reasons of such kind of misbehavior in classrooms which include seeking attention, learning difficulties, confusion and boring lessons, classroom's strict rules and the absence of classroom dialogue. In addition to that, it exhibits the positive role of applying and adopting critical pedagogy's concepts of humanization, companionship, liberation and dialogue to minimize misbehavior and foster positive relationship between teachers and students. Therefore, in the light of these findings, pedagogical implications are set forward to teachers, students, all agents in educational institutions and in higher positions in order to adopt this notion and to consider its critical purposes and positive impact towards minimizing classroom misbehavior.enTeaching : english : classroom misbehaviorInvestigating teachers' and pupils' attitudes towards the role of critical pedagogy in minimizing EFL pupils' misbehavIiora case study of first year pupils at Bouhanna Messoud secondry school, Ferdjioua, MilaOther