Dib, ManarAbdani, HadjerMerah, Fahima2022-10-092022-10-092022http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/13524The incident of Titanic was and still one of the most famous disasters in the world. Looking deeply to the sinking facts, Titanic's sinking was not just a coincidence especially when it is related to other political events such as the creation of American central bank. This research aims to examine the incident of RMS Titanic sinking in the United States and analyses the suspicious conditions of the sinking. An analysis is scooped on the stages of sailing starting from the preparation to sailing until the incident of hitting the iceberg. Furthermore, the research seeks to highlight the hidden facts or the conspiracies behind the sinking. The course of the research requires a deep look in history of major points that are related to the incident. Therefore, this research is going to go deeply behind the facts that link between the Titanic sinking and the foundation of Federal Reserve System through Conspiracy Theory perspective.enUnited statesTitanicFederal Reserve SystemThe relationship between the sinkning of RMS titanic and the foundation of the federal reserve system in light of the conspiracy theoryOther