Bezai, OussamaDehimi, Belkhir2021-11-102021-11-102021 this study, we tried to shed light on one of the largest e-commerce companies in the world, ‘’Amazon’’. We examined the impact of Amazon's Black Friday marketing strategies on sales. Using the descriptive approach of the case study method, and observation as a data collection tool, where we took a sample of sellers on Amazon and showed the effect of the strategies used by Amazon, on sales during the week of Black Friday. One of the main marketing strategies that Amazon use for the preparation of Black Friday, is starting the shopping holiday season early, and with the huge discounts in their products and services, surely the results will be as they want and more. In addition, this work is for showing the great importance of e-commerce in economy, especially with the great technology development, also the pandemic that changed a lot of things in the world of commerce.otherBlack FridayAmazonE-commerceSalesstudy caseThe effect of Black Friday marketing strategies o, salesCase study: AmazonOther