Khammar, Zedira2023-09-142023-09-1420221112-92552588-2414 this research paper, we will try to classify and discuss the most important stages of transformation in the field and in social relations. First, we will address the colonial stage as the beginning of the end of the traditional society, which witnessed profound socio-spatial transformations, overview the preponderant stage of restoring national sovereignty and, then, address the city of Ouargla after the palace. Then, we will move on to present the most important stages of spatial transformations as a result of social transformations, demonstrating the spatial situation of the old city “The Old Palace” before the French occupation, its transformations during the colonial stage. Finally, we will address the spatial transformations that occurred in the post-independence stage as a result of the integration of the desert into the general national community.enTransformationsOuarglaUrban areaSocio-AnthropologySpatial transformations in the city of Ouargla from the Lkasser to the CityAn Anthropological Study (from the colonial period to the post-independence era)Article