Djerfi, NoraMerrouche, Sarah2018-03-142018-03-142013 overall aim of the present research is to analyse the cultural content of the english textbook 'Getting through', which is used in the Algerian secondary school, second year level. In addition, an attempt is made to investigate the teachers' attitudes towards culture teaching and the way culture is actually taught in the Algerian EFL class. The investigation is based on a qualitative analysis of the textbook's cultural content using an evaluative guide, and a questionnaire submitted to secondary school second year teachers to get more knowledge about the methods they use to teach culture. On the basis of the textbook analysis and the collected data, our hypothesis has been confirmed in that the textbook cultural content has proved to be of secondary importance and is left in the background; moreover, it is limited to serve linguistic objectives.enLanguage teaching : english : textbookAn analysis of the cultural content of the scondary school EFL textbook getting throughOther