لعور، صلاح الدينمقاني، أميرخيال, سعيدة2023-12-062023-12-062023http://dspace.univ-oeb.dz:4000/handle/123456789/17288The aim of thisstudyis to study the development of the male reproductive system of lambs of the Awlad Jalal sheepbreed in the state of Umm El-Bouaghi. In thisstudy, the testicles and epididymis of lambswereused. Wewent to the municipal altar of Ain Fakroun Al-TayaUmm El-Bouaghi and took Reproductive organs of the male organ of lambs for the purpose of histologicalstudy of the following reproductive organsrepresentedin: The epididymis and testicles and the relationshipbetweenthemduringpuberty, immediatelyafterslaughtering the animal and placingit in the fixative solution. Wecarried out thisstudy at the level of Al-Razilaboratory for pathologicaldiagnosis and cellanalysis in the state of Umm El-Bouaghi. The resultsobtained for the histologicalstudy of the testes and epididymis of lambs of the Jalal sons sheepbreedshowedthat the first appearance of spermcells at the age of 3 months, while the appearance of sperm for the first time in the seminiferous tubules at the age of 6 months, whichcoincideswiththeirappearance at the sameage in the epididymis. Weconcludethat the reach of the lambs of the Jalal sons breedis at the age of 6 months. This iswhatmakesthisbreed one of the largest, most important and best breeds of sheep in Algeria historically and the mostdemanded and the best. Accordingly, the Awlad Jalal sheepbreedis the best breed for the development and advancement of livestock in Algeria compared to otherbreeds.otherالعلاقة بين الخصية والبربخ أثناء فترة البلوغOther