Merzougui, AminaLatreche, SaidaBouchekouf, Seloua2023-09-112023-09-1120152170-161X2588-2082 this work, we proceeded to the analysis of C(V) characteristics of MOS capacitors (Metal-oxide-semi-conductor) with metal gates. Within the framework of the search for new materials, we have studied C(V) characteristics of structures containing high permittivity oxide (high-k)- the HfO2 in our case- to replace the ultra-thin conventional oxide layer (SiO2 ) which reaches its physical and technological limits (less than 1 nm thickness). In these same structures, the stacking of grid is deposited on a substrate with high mobility carriers (electrons and holes). In fact: The germanium (Ge) and III-V materials [1]. The obtained results were largely compared with others simulated and experimental ones.enMOS capacitorsC(V) characteristicsHigh permitivityHigh mobility carriersSchrodingerA Study Of C(v) Characteristics Of Capacitors Containing High-k Oxides And High Mobility Carriers Semi-conductorsArticle