Bakiri, HadiaGuenadez, Zeineddine2023-09-102023-09-1020221112-92552588-2414 planning in Algeria has gone through three key stages: state monopoly, liberalisation, and roll-back towards state in engagement. Several Algerian cities have benefited from this reorganisation through the creation of several private or public transport operators. Like other Algerian cities, Constantine has not escaped the negative effects generated by this liberalisation since 1988. These effects remain to this day. This paper retraces the repercussions generated by the liberalisation of the transport sector through a diachronic study, which will allow us to see the evolution of this policy within a sector as sensitive as that of transport through its different organizational and functional aspects and its impact on the modes of travel of users.enLiberalisationTransportationPublic transportActorConstantineThe Liberalisation of public transport in AlgeriaBetween economic realism and social demands. Case of ConstantineArticle