Djaballah, Mohamed LarbiKabouche, A.2023-09-072023-09-0720192170-161X2588-2082 extended UNIQUAC model, and the modified Clegg-Pitzer equation were separately applied to the vapor-liquid equilibrium of CO2 in aqueous monoethanolamine (MEA) solutions [15 and 30 mass% of MEA has been used over the temperature range of 313 - 393°K], the data results predicting such equilibrium were analyzed and compared. As Hybrid algorithm, the genetic algorithm (GA) and as deterministic model, the Nelder-Mead Simplex (NMS) method was used. In general, these models have been found suitable regarding the adjustments of experimental results of VLE measurement of this work as well as those in the cited literature. However, the UNIQUAC model gives more satisfactory results comparatively to Pitzer model.enAlkanolamineCO2SolubilityMEAOptimzationUniquacModeling Vapor-liquid Equilibrium Of Co2 In Aqueous Mea Using Hybrid Genetic Based AlgorithmArticle