Hadji, Nour El YakinArrouf, Samira2018-04-172018-04-172015http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2898The current study is concerned with investigating the effect of code-mixing as a teaching/learning technique on vocabulary learning. The study wasconducted using a quasi-experimental design, in which there were an experimental and control group. The sample of the study was fourty two first year LMD students at Larbi Ben M'Hidi Oum-El-Bouaghi for the academic year 2014-2015. The participants in both groups have answered on multiple choicetask.Then, they were treated for a period of four sessions, where the experimental group received vocabulary through the use of code-mixing and the control group received vocabulary extremely in English.Then, they were post-tested through the sametask applied in the pre-test. After analysing the results of both tests (pre- and post-test) obtained from the paired-samples and the independent-samples t- test, itappeared that teaching vocabulary through code-mixing has no effect on students' vocabulary learning.otherTeaching : english : EFL : vocabularyThe Effect of code mixing on EFL students vocabulary learningthe case of the first year LMD students of english at Larbi Ben M'Hidi university Oum-El-BouaghiOther