Akachat, HendBenzekri, MariaMaamouri, Hanane2020-01-292020-01-292019http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8979This research work aims at investigating the effectiveness of using Game Based Learning as a teaching technique to redirect ADHD students' Attention, the case of first year pupils at Mellah Aboud middle school, Ain M'lila. In order to check this correlation, we have hypothesized that if teachers use Game Based Learning in teaching ADHD students, it would redirect their attention and bring a significant improvement in ADHD learners' English outcomes. To check the validity of this hypothesis, we have used two tools of data collection: questionnaire for teachers and an experiment. The first tool aims at investigating teachers' awareness and background knowledge as well as their attitudes about using games in teaching ADHD students. For the second tool, 20 pupils were chosen purposefully and divided equally into two groups. Pupils in the control group have been taught within the usual method of teaching, while pupils in the experimental group have been exposed to the new way of teaching throughout the use of Game Based Learning strategy introduced by the researcher. The analysis of the experiment results and the interpretation of teachers' questionnaire showed that using games with ADHD students can be very effective in redirecting the ADHD pupils' attention and improve their English outcomes.enEnglish outcomesGBL: Game based learningADHD: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorderThe effectiveness of using game based learning in redirecting hyperactivity deficit disorder students attentionthe case of first year pupils at Mellah Aboud middle school Ain MlilaOther