Hambli, ChaimaHambli, ManarMaamouri, Hanane2024-05-202024-05-202023http://dspace.univ-oeb.dz:4000/handle/123456789/19442This study investigates the academic cheating committed by master one EFL students at Larbi Ben M'hidi University; it aims at exploring he strategies used to prevent and curb academic cheating .Twohypotheses underlay this study. First, Larbi Ben M'hidi's students' cheating in classrooms is prevented by having two versions of the test and designing indirect questions that assess mostly students' comprehension. Second, the most effective academic strategies used in Larbi Ben M'hidi University to react against students who commit cheating during their exams is relying on severe punishments such as restitution and personation.This study was conducted on 36 participants from the aforementioned population; they were given a questionnaire that targets a variety of factors, which are later analyzed quantitavely and qualitatively, so as to test the first hypothesis Besides, 5 teachers from the English Department were askedto fill in another questionnaire and were interviewed; their productions were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in order to test the second hypothesis. Various results were obtained following the statistical analysis of the findings. The main results indicate that cheating is highly frequent at the Department, hence, teachers tend to use several strategies against this kind of academic dishonesty, however curbing cheating could not easily reached, unless through the most effective strategies.enAcademic cheating; EFL; examsInvestigating the use of questioning academic strategies by EFL teachers to curb students cheating in linguistics examsthe case of master one EFL students at Larbi Ben M'hidi UniversityOther