Achour, AmelChayeh Loudj, SouadZerrouki, Zina2024-05-152024-05-152023 research is an interdisciplinary study, which examines the profound influence of patriarchal culture on women's psychology; with a specific focus on the manifestations of suicidal depression in Miriam Towes' novel All My Puny Sorrows. Drawing upon psychological perspectives on depression and suicide like Seligman's theory of learned helplessness and Durkheim's theory of suicide, this research investigates suicide as a direct consequence of depression. The analysis also incorporates concepts from cultural feminism and radical feminism like sisterhood and patriarchy to gain a deeper understanding of women's psychological experiences depicted in the novel. By exploring the psychological dimensions within the context of patriarchal systems, this research aims to contribute to a comprehensive understanding of women's mental health and provide insights for gender-sensitive interventions.enPatriarchy; Dépression; Suicide; Women's mental health; HelplessnessMental health through a gendered lens: a study of Miriam Toews" all my puny sorrows" 2014Other