Messaoudi, SarraBoudjelit, Amina2018-07-012018-07-012017 the world has started to relate terrorism with religion, extremists like the Ku Klux Klan of the 20th Century and the Islamic State of the 21st Century have taken advantage of this opportunity to claim legitimacy. These groups were of a great deal of commitment to their goals of maintaining control and restoring order, to the extent of extremism that, eventually, led to terrorism. That is why, this analytical research aims at investigating the characteristics that reinforced the position of such groups, in accordance with how far they went to achieve their claims. Therefore, both of the Ku Klux Klan and the Islamic State have had a strong condemnation of terrorism, as a result of the ruthless crimes they committed across history.enTerrorismeThe Islamic StateReligionRadical religion and terrorisma comparative study between the second Ku Klux Klan 1915-1930's and the islamic state 2013-2015Other