Bouchouareb, RayeneAzeroual, Djihed2020-12-162020-12-162020 present research attempts to evaluate the way culture is introduced in the Algerian middle school, in particular the third-year textbook My Book of English. The study focuses on identifying the cultures integrated in the content of the textbook. The main concern of the present study is to figure out what are cultural components covered in My Book of English textbook, how they presented , and to what extent they help in teaching the target culture and developing pupils' cultural competence? The study is conducted through an analytical approach based on qualitative data using an adapted checklist to evaluate the textbook in terms of adequacy and suitability of cultural information presented. The results indicate that different cultures were presented; including local, target and international cultures with dominance of the mother culture. Furthermore, the results revealed that cultural components are inadequately presented as insufficient cultural knowledge in many sequences is clearly noticed. The findings also show that the textbook provide pupils with an artificial picture about how the English language is used in different contexts by its native speakers which do not help in developing their cultural skills. The absence of proverbs, songs, and games..etc in the textbook which might have helped teachers to introduce the culture efficiently and motivate pupils to develop their cultural competence. On the basis of these results, some recommendations have been suggested that would help in re-considering the way local and target culture are presented in English textbooks.esTextbook evaluationCultural componentTeaching cultureIdentifying and evaluating the cultural components in the algerian EFL textbook of third-year middle school my book of englishOther