Amieur, Fatma ZohraMerrouche, Sarah2018-06-262018-06-262016 dissertation investigates the use of the critical Incident technique in the EFL classroom and its impact on fostering EFL students' awareness about the target language small " C" cultural issues. We adopted a quasi-experimental approach for the sake of collecting data for the matter in hand. The approach went through three main phases: the pre-test, the treatment period, and the post-test. The study sample consisted of two groups that were chosen randomly with a total of 38 students out of 207 second year students at Larbi Ben M'Hidi university. The experimental group was exposed to the target language small 'c' cultural aspects through the use of the critical incident technique in a time span of about two months. While, the control group was exposed to the target language small " C" cultural issues, i.e. the same content of the experimental group, using the traditional lecturing approach. The independent sample t-test and the paired sample t-test were used to analyze data statistically. The results indicate that there are significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in that the former has better performed than the latter in what relates to the target language small " C" cultural awareness. Therefore, the study has contributed to the result that the use of the critical incident technique enhances and fosters the target language small " C" cultural awareness among the EFL students.enCritical incident techniqueTeaching cultureFostering EFL student' "S" small " C" cultural awareness through the use of the critical incident techniquethe case of second year LMD students at the english départment, Larbi Ben M'Hidi universityOther