Ben abdelhafid, GhozlaneGuellif, MounaSelougui, Soumia2022-10-092022-10-092022 is one of the popular e-learning applications, and it is a useful platform for online study. Moodle is characterized by various features that support interactive activities. In this vein, this research aimed to investigate to what extent Algerian EFL students use Moodle activities such as: (Quizzes, Forums, and Chats). It also aimed to explore the underlying reasons behind the use or not use of these activities. This study drew upon a quantitative method. A questionnaire was the main tool used to collect the data for this study. Statistical tests and thematic analysis were used to analyse the data of the questionnaire. In this study, the participants were EFL students at the Department of English in Oum El Bouaghi city. 133 male and female were recruited in this study. The findings of the study indicated that the majority of the students in the English department did not use Moodle activities such as (Quizzes, Forums, and Chats). It was also found out that the use of the Moodle platform is limited to uploading lessons mainly. The findings also revealed several reasons behind the non-use of Moodle features (Chats, Forums, and Quizzes) namely: the lack of knowledge and training, lack of motivation, the method of teaching, which means students prefer face to face teaching more than the online one, in addition to technical problems.enOnline learningMoodleChatEFL students’ views on the use of moodle activities quizzes, chats, and forumscase study of EFL students at the english departmentOther