Annab, MessaoudaTaibi, Abdesslam2018-03-192018-03-192014 has been noticed that some students are not motivated to speak and write in the classroom. Therefore, teachers need to provide some incentives like praising words in order to raise their students' motivation and lead them to full achievement of their tasks. The study aims at investigating the impact of teachers' praising on students' written and oral tasks. It also aims at demonstrating how praising words could lead to motivate EFL learners to develop their writing and speaking abilities in classes. In fact, students' written and oral tasks may reflect better achievement, if teachers use specific words/ expressions to praise their students. In order to confirm or disconfirm the validity of our hypothesis, two questionnaires have been administered as means of research: one for the teachers and one for the third (3rd) year university students. While the students' questionnaire, made up of seventy (70) students, aims at knowing the extent and the effect of teachers' praising words on their both oral and written performances, the teachers' one, made up of twenty five (25) oral and written expression teachers, consists of the frequency and the amount of praising words used while students are getting indulged in their daily classroom tasks, either oral or written. The results obtained in our study show that teachers' use of praising words has a positive effect on students' motivation to develop both written and oral tasks. In the light of these results, our hypothesis comes to be almost validated by the results obtained from the teachers' and students' questionnaire.enEnseignement langue (anglais) : EFLThe Impact of teachers' praising on students' written and oral tasksthe case of third year LMD students of english at Larbi Ben M'Hidi university Oum-El-BouaghiOther