Laoufi, Hakima2024-04-152024-04-152016-12-312352-9962 paper attempts to study the analysis social policies in Algeria, through the study of the Algerian reality, The study focused on the period from the year of 1970-2014 because social policy is one of the most important pillars of balance and social justice. This policy as defined by the United Nations represents an effective mechanism to build societies in justice and stability and it is available with elements of sustainability, and therefore within the scope of interest-makers overall national development policies, and the ultimate goal of this policy in Algeria, especially is the alleviation of poverty, exclusion and hotbeds of social tension, and improve overall well-being of all citizens of different categoriesenEvaluation of social policies in Algeria for the period (1970-2014)تقييم السياسات الاجتماعية في الجزائر للفترة (1970-2014)Article