Zaimi, HadjerMelgani, Haroun2018-06-282018-06-282016 figurative language, in particular idiomatic expressions, has recently attracted a great amount of interest in the context of teaching english as a foreign language, since the mastery of a foreign language requires covering the different aspects of that language so that having a native-like command of language. In this respect, this study aims at examining the effectiveness of implementing contextualization in the process of learning english idioms. Hence, using context; video-graphic context, as a method for teaching idioms takes a part in this study. The target population for this study is the first year LMD students of the english department at Larbi Ben M'Hidi university, Oum-El-Bouaghi. A Quasi experimental design was implemented in this research work, as the nature of the topic requires. Sixty students were chosen as a representative sample of the whole population. Thirty students were selected to participate in the experimental group while the others were in the control group. The findings of this study have shown that the use of video-graphic contextual clues has a significantly positive effect on idioms' learning, in a sense that it helped foreign language learners to overcome the difficulties concerning understanding the intended meaning and the appropriate use of idiomatic expressions.enTeaching : english : EFL : idiom *The Effect of context on learning idioms in EFL classroomsthe case study of first year LMD student's at Larbi Ben M'Hidi universityOther