Korari, SafaBoussaha, Karima2023-11-272023-11-272023http://dspace.univ-oeb.dz:4000/handle/123456789/17059This research study presents a comprehensive overview of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a preferred method of learning in the modern era, surpassing traditional approaches. The focus is primarily on MOOCs in the field of health, particularly examining their impact during the challenging times brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic. The study explores the utilization of MOOCs in health education and highlights their significance in providing continuous learning opportunities. The development of the MOOCs platform is discussed, emphasizing the inclusion of course materials such as PDFs and videos, as well as tests to track learner progress. The role of the MOOCs platform in facilitating remote learning and enabling access to educational resources from anywhere and at any time is emphasized. Particularly during critical situations and epidemics like the COVID-19 outbreak, when physical classrooms are inaccessible or unsafe, MOOCs serve as a vital tool for ensuring uninterrupted education. The findings underscore the importance of the MOOCs platform in the context of distance learning and its relevance during times of crisis.enDesign and realization of a massive open and online courses in the field of healthOther