Sahbi, Abed El GhafourElbouche, ChouaibGouasmia, Abdelhamid2022-11-142022-11-142022 main objective of this thesis is to detail the results presented in the papers [1] and [14]. More precisely, we study singular systems involving nonlinear and non-local operators. First, we will show the non-existence of positive classical solutions. Next, Schauder's Fixed Point Theorem guaranteed the existence of a positive weak solutions pair in the suitable conical shell, and then H?lder regularity results. Finally, we prove the uniqueness by applying a well-known Krasnoselski?i's argument. We recall some results in the paper [1] there that are used in the above results.enUniquenessQuasilinear singular systemsFractional p-Laplacian operatorComparison principlesPositive solutions of fractional p-Laplace and singular systemsexistence, uniqueness and Holder regularityOther