Goléa, N.Goléa, A.Benmahammed, K.2022-04-282022-04-282003353–366http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/13045This paper investigates new fuzzy model-based observer adaptive control for multi-input multi-output continuous-time nonlinear systems. The proposed adaptive scheme uses Takagi–Seguno (TS) fuzzy models to estimate the plant states and dynamics. Using stability arguments, it is shown that the proposed scheme is globally asymptotically stable. The observation and tracking errors are shown to converge asymptotically to zero, despite the presence ofexternal disturbances and approximation errors. The performance ofthe developed approach is illustrated, by simulation, on two-link robot model.enFuzzy controlFuzzy systems modelAdaptive controlObserverNonlinear systemsStable indirect fuzzy adaptive controlArticle