Fares, KademAzeroual, Djihed2020-12-172020-12-172020http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/9581n Foreign language learning, listening comprehension skill has a significant role, since it is the only channel responsible for receiving the spoken language input. However, when they are exposed to videos, EFL students may face problems when using this skill which means that their language learning process won't progress in a smooth way. Intralingual subtitles are one of many ways that students should use to overcome listening comprehension problems. The main aim of this study is to explore the different attitudes of both teachers and students toward using intralingual subtitles to overcome listening comprehension problems. For that, it was hypothesized that teachers and students have a positive attitude toward using intralingual subtitles in videos to overcome students' listening comprehension problems . In an attempt to check the hypothesis and to harvest the needed data for the present study, an online questionnaire was given to 40 first-year students and 17 teachers of English department at Larbi Ben M'hidi University, Oum El Bouaghi. The results obtained from both questionnaires indicate that both teachers and learners had a positive attitude towards using intralingual subtitles videos and agree with the fact that captions can help students overcome listening comprehension problems. Hence, using such modern tool as a pedagogical aid in Foreign language learning/teaching deserves more attention and awareness.enListening skillVidéoComprehension problemIntralingual subtitleInvestigating teachers’ and students’ attitudes towards using intralingual subtitles in videos to overcome students’ listening comprehension problemsThe case of first..year english student at Larbi Ben M’hidi universityOther