Rezgui, FaridaNemouchi, Abdelhak2018-06-252018-06-252016 research aims to investigate the enhancing effect of using summative written corrective feedback on the students' writing proficiency. In order to get a deep understanding of the matter in question, a quasi-experiment consisting of a pre-test, a treatment, and a post-test has been conducted. The researcher worked with two already made groups, experimental and control, each one composed of 20 participants. They have different levels, skills, and backgrounds. The implementation of the experiment lasted for 1 month and half. As a pre-test, both groups were asked to write a paragraph in 30-45 min. to determine their actual level of writing. During the treatment sessions, both groups were asked to write four paragraphs with the difference that the experimental group received summative written corrective feedback, while the control group got only marks on test papers. Unexpectedly, the comparative analysis of the results revealed that the corrective feedback did not generate a significant improvement in students' writing proficiency.enTeaching : english : feedbackThe Enhancing effect of summative written corrective feedback on the students' writing proficiencycase of second year students of english at Larbi Ben M'Hidi universityOther