Yahi, NiamaMohamed Cherif, Roudjaina2024-09-112024-09-112024http://dspace.univ-oeb.dz:4000/handle/123456789/19685This project presents a detailed study of a residential building consisting of a ground floor plus five stories, located in the commune of Aïn M'lila, in the wilaya of Oum El Bouaghi. This region is classified in seismic zone I according to RPA99 version 2003. Using the new regulations for the calculation and verification of reinforced concrete (RPA99 version 2003 and B.A.E.L91 modified 99), this study is composed of seven chapters: 1. The first chapter begins with a general description of the project. 2. In the second chapter, we present the characteristics of the materials. 3. The third chapter aims at the preliminary sizing of the structure and the load distribution. 4. The fourth chapter focuses on the study of secondary elements (parapets, stairs, balconies, and hollow core slabs). 5. The dynamic study of the structure is addressed in the fifth chapter using the software ROBOT STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 2019 to determine the different stresses due to loads (permanent loads, operational loads, and seismic loads). 6. The structural resistance elements (columns, beams, walls) will be calculated in the sixth chapter. 7. Finally, the study of the infrastructure is presented in the last chapterfrBâtiment ; Béton armé ; Robot structural analysis 2010 ; RPA99 modifié 2003 ; BAEL91 modifié 99.Etude et conception d’un bâtiment R+5 à usage d’habitationOther