Hadji, Mira TinhineneMohammedi, BoutheinaMerrouche, Sarah2020-01-282020-01-282019http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/8963Listening is considered as a crucial and complex skill to be mastered. In spite of its importance, it is generally neglected in EFL Algerian classes. This dissertation seeks to introduce a new tool, video podcast, in the teaching/learning process. To fulfill this purpose, a quasi-experimental design was adopted. The experiment was carried out at Larbi Ben M'hidi University, Oum El Bouaghi, during the academic year 2018/2019. Two groups of second year EFL students were randomly selected as a sample for the study. One was chosen as the experimental group and the other as the control group. Both groups took a pre-test to determine their listening comprehension level. Only the experimental group went through four week periodenListening skillComprehension skillVideo podcastThe effect of using video podcasts on EFL learners’ listening comprehension skillsthe case of second year LMD students at Larbi ben M’hidi UniversityOther