Politics and real politicking

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The present research purports to unveil realities over the real reasons behind the only repealed amendment in the United States constitution; the eighteenth amendment which is known as the Prohibition amendment as well. In addition to investigating prohibition and its effects, impact and consequences, the research examines the nature of the shared relations between Germany and the United States before, during and following WWI and its ambivalent characteristics. The analysis of WWI, the participation of Germany and the American late entry and the growing anti German sentiments in the United States suggests that the physical, moral, and economic benefits of prohibition and the pressures put by different organizations as the Anti Saloon League on the government were not strong enough to pass the amendment. The latter was passed to transform the anti German sentiments into more applicable measures that aimed at canceling the Germans dominance of breweries industry and marginalizing the German-Americans from the American social, cultural, and economic scene
Prohibition, Anti-german sentiment, Anti-german sentiment