Between tradisionalists and revisionists

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university of Oum- El- Bouaghi
Abraham Lincoln is often referred to as the greatest president ever set foot in the Oval Office. Although, he is celebrated by the Mainstream as the Great Emancipator, Savior of the Union, and a great humanitarian qualities. Revisionists refute the manifest of Abraham Lincoln as a hero, and offer to see him from a different angle; his life, accomplishments, and attitudes are revisited providing a contrastive version of history in which Lincoln is a dictator, racist, and an opportunist driven by his impulse to create an empire. Thus, the importance of this research lies in keeping the balance between the two narratives to come up with compromising conclusion parallel to both trends. Our descriptive and analytical study of both sides has concluded that despite the fact that Lincoln is idolized throughout history, his acts discredit many of his accomplishments.
Descriptive, Revisionist