Islamophobia manifestation in post 9/11 Britain between public and governmental attitudes

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university of Oum-El-Bouaghi
As a result of the tragic 9/11 attacks that hit the united states and 7/7 bombings in London, the locus of racism shifted from ethnic to religious grounds. Unquestionably, world fingers positioned towards muslims who started to be viewed as terrorist, trouble makers, and those responsible for all bad events in the world even if they are not. As a reaction to these events, different governments, including the british, enacted different legislations in order to curb terrorism and control the day-to-day actions of the british muslims. Concerning the british public opinion, it is worthy to note that the influence of the governmental laws and media played a profound role in conceptualizing a negative standpoint among the british. The most important outcome of the severe anti-terrorism, anti-muslim measures is the reemergence as well as the crystallization of Islamophobia. Accordingly, this phenomenon started to take different dimensions and to become more popular.
Islamophobia : (Britain), Attentat : (11 september 2001) : (Britain)