Examining the cultural aspects of the algerian secondary school textbook

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Université Oum El Bouaghi
It always have been a major concern to focus on the field of foreign culture and foreign language teaching. The present work aims to examine the cultural input in the texts the textbook "At the Crossroads; which is the main material of teaching English as a foreign language at the level of first-year of secondary education in Algeria along with investigating teachers' awareness of the significance of the integration of culture in EFL classrooms. Therefore, hypothesized that culture is presented as the most important part in EFL teaching, and that teachers are aware of the crucial role of culture in the FL teaching and learning process. This study is led through a qualitative analysis that relies on a questionnaire and an evaluation checklist; the data gathered was analyzed via Statistical Package for Social Sciences software (SPSS). The questionnaire is designed to examine knowledge and perceptions about target culture teaching of a sample composed of 20 secondary school English teachers in Ain M'lila; the evaluation guide is elaborated to assess the cultural content in the textbook's texts. Based on the textbook evaluation and the collected data, the first research hypothesis was rejected while the second one was confirmed. Accordingly, some pedagogical implications were suggested.
Textbook evaluation, Teaching culture, Cultural content