Enchancing learners' grammatical accuracy through learner autonomy

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university of Oum-El-Bouaghi
The present study is conducted to investigate the impact of implementing learner autonomy in grammar learning on the grammatical accuracy of EFL first-year students at Larbi Ben M'Hidi university, Oum-El-Bouaghi. To fulfil the purpose of this study, a quasi-experimental research design was conducted. Two pre-existing groups of learners were randomly assigned as experimental and control groups. Taking the english adverbials as the targets of this study, the two groups were pre-tested through two tasks: an adverb placement task and a grammaticality judgment task. Then, the experimental group learned grammar in an autonomous mode which involved self-access, reflection and self-assessment, while subjects in the control group studied grammar in the conventional way. After the treatment period, a post-test was administered for the two groups to measure their improvement. The analysis of data led to two main results. The paired-samples t-test showed that the autonomous learning of the target structures does highly affect the grammatical accuracy of the students. However, the independent-samples t-test indicated that the autonomous learning is not more effective than the conventional way of teaching in enhancing the students' grammatical accuracy. Hence, the hypothesis of the study was rejected in the sense that the autonomous learning was not proved to be significantly more effective than the conventional way of teaching grammar, though significantly effective in raising the students' grammatical accuracy.
Enseignement : langue (anglais) : grammaire