A Graphical Environment for Petri net Analysis
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Univérsité Oum El Bouaghi
Petri net is a very powerful graphical modeling tool that respond fast, particularly in the research and development. That tool can used to describe a system graphically no matter what their domain.
With the ease of a Petri net tool, users can view the overall system graphically and edit it with the editor. A Petri net tool can also use to analyze the performance of the system, generate code, simulate the system and perform analysis on it. This is thanks to the solid mathematical basis, the wide range of analysis tools it have, and by its simplicity and ability to represent graphical models.
This project focus on: (i) The creation of a two graphical editors for two different types of Petri nets (ordinary and timed), implemented as an Eclipse plug-in,
(ii) The transformation of the obtained Petri nets models into the INA/TINA syntax, in order to analyze theme inside a dedicated toolboxes (INA for ordinary Petri nets and TINA for timed Petri nets), using MDE techniques.
Petri net, Timed petri net, Graphic editor, Eclipse plugin, Analysis of petri net