Teachers’ and students’ attitudes toward the effects of extensive reading on learning culture

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university of Oum- El- Bouaghi
This study is an attempt to investigate the effectiveness of extensive reading on learning culture, throughout this study two questionnaires were designed to both second year LMD students, and English teachers at Larbi Ben M'hidi University of Oum El Bouaghi in the academic year 2016-2017. This research divided into two chapters, the first chapter contains two sections ; section one discussed extensive reading, extensive vs intensive reading, reading materials that may help to learn culture, and the interaction between culture and reading. section two seeks contains culture difinition, language and culture as inseparable aspects, and learners seek to learn language rather than culture, and cultural elements. The second chapter is the practical part, two questionnaires were given and the result reveals that the absence of reading course at the University, the lack of reading by students and the unawarness about the role of culture on learning language, the hypothesis Motivating EFL learners via extnsive reading has an effects on learning culture is failed.
Reading, Extensive Reading