Motivation second year students for a better performance in english oral expression at the university of Batna

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Oum-El-Bouaghi university
like attitudes, anxiety and motivation, were not considered to be important at ail. Today, much of this has changed, and we sometimes get the impression that affective variables are considered to be the only important in the leaming process. In this research paper, we will focus on motivation because we believe that many of the other variables affecting the leamers’ performance such as self-confidence and personality dépendent on motivation for their effects to be realized. Thus we consider that no matter what is the underlying motivation to study a second language, what can not be disputed is the fact that motivation is an important variable when examining successful language second language acquisition. In the present study, we believe that students’ participation in the classroom is directly linked to their motivation and interest in the activities suggested by the teacher. Our aim is to find out the type of activities which stimulate our students’ participation in the classroom and consequently improves their performances in English oral expression. Our study, thus takes into account the stue^nts attitudes, opinions, and preferences. Moreover, it tries to identify problems that second year student’s encounter in oral expression and seeks to solve them by suggesting some recommendations to teachers. Based upon the results of the observation grid and the responses of student’s questionnaire, we could identify some activities that may motivate our students to participate in the oral expression course. The findings of this research Confirm our -hypotheses by showing that students prefer to discuss
Motivation to study : second language, Study : second language