Gender element in explicit pronunciation classroom : an acoustic study of english vowels /ae/ and /e/

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university of Oum-El-Bouaghi
This research attempts to provide an experimental evidence of whether explicit phonetic Instruction affects EFL algerian learner's accurate level of pronunciation and whether there is acoustic difference between both genders /ae/ and /e/ Formant frequencies. Of particular concern, this research attempts to answer the following question: Does explicit phonetic Instruction, in the primary area of segmental features, affect EFL algerian learner's accuracy pronunciation? Is there any acoustic difference between male and female /ae/ and /e/ Formant frequencies? Participants were twenty algerian university learners of english at Larbi Ben M'Hidi university. They are divided into two groups: experimental group consists of ten subjects divided equally into five females and five males and control group consists of ten participants divided into five females and five males as well. In the process of conducting this research, isolated words used as pre-post recording tests for both groups while Explicit Phonetic Instruction with further practice was the main core of the treatment session. Praat program used to measure acoustically the recordings. However, acoustic chart and statistical analysis used to examine the significance of the treatment on the predictor variable (gender). For the first question, the results indicated that there is a significant difference in the accurate pronunciation of both genders after Explicit Teaching. For the second question, the acoustical analysis showed that EFL algerian female /ae/ and /e/ Formant frequencies were higher than male Formant frequencies.
Teaching : english : pronunciation