A Corpus based study on the use of linking adverbials in master dissertations

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University of Oum El Bouaghi
This dissertation is concerned with the most important lexical items used by researchers to arrange their ideas; that are linking adverbials. Besides, they used to link semantically between the different parts of a discourse. Thus, this study is made for analyzing the use of these linking devices in literature reviews in the department of English at L'Arbi Ben M'hidi University OEB. A total corpus of 10 master theses was tallied to investigate the most linking adverbials used by graduated students of language sciences stream while writing the literature review section. For the sake of carrying out this research, AntConc, and Excel programs were used. After gathering the data, they were classifying according to Huddleston & Pullum (2002) classification of linking adverbials. The results illustrate that graduate students used some linking devices repeatedly and ignore others. Consequently, this low of proficiency is reflected to the limited vocabulary of most of the students in one hand, and the little importance the teachers give to these lexical elements in another hand. In regard, to the significant role these lexical items play in the writing proficiency; they should be implemented in future curriculum designs.
Linking adverbial, Literature review