Problem based learning in the algerian secondary school textbooks "at the crossroads"

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Larbi Ben M’hidi University-Oum El Bouaghi
Textbooks are chief tools in EFL classes; they influence what teachers teach and how learners learn. The importance attributed to those textbooks renders their selection an important act and their evaluation even more of an important concern. Textbook evaluation makes the foreground for improvement in the EFL teaching/ learning context. The present research attempts to investigate the reflection of Problem-based Learning (PBL) in the Algerian third year secondary school suggested projects (scientific stream). In this study it is hypothesized that PBL is not reflected in the secondary school projects. Qualitative data are compiled via a self-constructed checklist used to verify the validity of the stated hypothesis. Findings refuted the aforementioned hypothesis, and proved that PBL is reflected in the Algerian third year scientific stream projects
Textbook, PBL, Project work, PBL implementation