Vocabulary enrichment through the use of concept attainment model

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University of Oum El Bouaghi
A major challenge in vocabulary teaching is that learners struggle to understand vocabulary concepts.In1956,Bruneretal.introducedtheideaofconceptattainment whichwasdeveloped into a model of teaching by Joyce and Weil (1980). Thus, this study seeks to investigate the effectiveness of the Concept Attainment Model (CAM) onenriching vocabulary among EFL Learners.Tofulfil thispurpose,aquasi-experimental designwasadopted.Theexperiment was carriedoutatMesriAlSebtimiddleschool,AinFakroun.Third-yearlearnershavebeenchosen as the target population ofthe study. Two pre-existing groups consisting of 40 participants were assigned as control and experimental groups. Both groups received a pretest to evaluate the participants' vocabulary knowledge. Then, theexperimental groupwent throughseven-week periodofinstructionusingtheCAMwhile thecontrolfollowedtheregularmethodofteaching. Afterward,apost-testwasadministratedtobothgroupstoexamineanyvocabulary enrichment. Statisticalanalysis ofthegathereddatafromthet-testrevealedasignificant difference between the two groups, where the experimental group exceeded the control group. Hence, the hypothesis, which statesthatthe vocabulary oflearners who are taught throughthe CAM will beimproved,hasbeenconfirmed.Onthebasisofthesefindings,somepedagogicalimplications have been highlighted to improve vocabulary learning for middle schoollearners.
Vocabulary enrichment; Concept attainment; EFL