Etude de l'effet de la toxicité induite par les huiles essentielles de Rosmarinus officinalis (Linné, 1753) chez l'espèce de moustique Culiseta longiareolata (Aitken, 1954)

The present study aims to evaluate the larvicidal activity of essential oil extracted from Rosmarinusofficinalis against the fourth instar larvae of Culisetalongiareolata, the most abundant mosquito species in Algeria. In addition, the impact on the morphology of the larvae treated was also investigated. Larvicidal activity tests : The current study has confirmed that the essential oil extracted from the aromatic plantRosmarinus officinalis with different concentrations present a lower larvicidal activity against the fourth instar larvae of Culiseta longiareolata, where the values of lethal concentrationafter after 24, 48 and 72 h of exposure were (Data not shown). Morphological study : Morphological observation of the larvae treated with essential oil extracted from Rosmarinusofficinalis revealed (Data not shown).