مقـــــــــالات 2015-2020

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    An efficient small size electromagnetic energyharvesting sensor for low-DC-powerapplications
    (IET, 2017) Dibi, Zohir; Meddour, Fayçal
    An efficient small size electromagnetic energy harvesting sensor for low-DC-power applications is proposed. Thesensor consists of two main parts: a dual polarisation square patch antenna used to collect the RF energy at a central frequencyof 2.45 GHz, and two voltage doublers rectifier circuit for the RF-to-DC conversion. The overall size of the design is 50 × 50 × 6.2 mm3. Firstly, the antenna is designed using high-frequency structure simulator software; followed by the design of therectifier circuit in advanced design system. After simulations, a sensor prototype is fabricated using F4B as the antennasubstrate. Measurements show that the sensor achieves a comparatively high maximum measured efficiency of 41% for apower level of −10 dBm. The sensor has a simple structure, it is compact sized, light weight, and presents a high RF-to-DCconversion efficiency for low-RF-power levels which can be used to charge different low-DC-power devices
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    Depth resolution enhancement technique for CMOS time-of-flight 3-D image sensors
    (IEEE, 2012) Dibi, Zohir; Hafiane, Mohamed Lamine; Wagner, Wilfried; Manck, Otto
    Introducing Time-of-Flight 3-D image sensors to actual engineering applications, such as pattern recognition, is constrained not only by their limited depth and lateral resolution, but also by how similar the precision of depth measurement throughout the whole pixel-matrix is. In real operating environment, an observed 3-D-scene hardly exhibits a homogeneous reflectance factor. Moreover, the light-beam (laser source) presents a nonuniform optical power distribution in space. Thus, the amount of the incident light on the sensor surface varies drastically from one pixel to another, and so does the signal-to-noise ratio. To address this problem, this paper investigates the impact of both scene and light-source non- ideal characteristics on the sensor performance. An adaptive on- pixel analog signal processing technique is also presented and applied to the design of a 32 × 32 complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) range camera, featuring an interesting cost-efficient solution.
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    A Comparative study on scaling sapabilities of Si and SiGe Nanoscale double date dunneling FETs
    (Springer, 2019) Dibi, Zohir; Bentrcia, Toufik; Djeffa, Fayçal; Ferhati, Hichem
    In the last few years, an accelerated trend towards the miniaturization of nanoscale circuits has been recorded. In this context, the Tunneling Field-Effect Transistors (TFETs) are gaining attention because of their good subthreshold characteristics, high scalability and low leakage current. However, they suffer from low values of the ON-state current and severe ambipolar transport mechanism. The aim of this work is to investigate the performance of SiGe nanoscale Double Gate TFET device including low doped drain region. The electrical performance of the considered device is investigated numerically using ATLAS 2D simulator, where both scaling and reliability aspects of the proposed design are reported. In this context, we address the impact of the channel length, traps density and drain doping parameters on the variation of some figures of merit of the device namely the swing factor and the ION/IOFF ratio. The obtained results indicate the superior immunity of the proposed design against traps induced degradation in comparison to the conventional TFET structure. Therefore, this work can offer more insights regarding the benefit of adopting channel materials and drain doping engineering techniques for future reliable low-power nanoscale electronic applications.
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    Klein Paradox for the Bosonic Equation in the Presence of Minimal Length
    (Springer, 2015) Merad, Mahmoud; Falek, Mokhtar; Moumni, ‪Mustapha
    We present an exact solution of the one-dimensional modified Klein Gordon and Duffin Kemmer Petiau (for spins 0 and 1) equations with a step potential in the presence of minimal length in the uncertainty relation, where the expressions of the new transmission and reflection coefficients are determined for all cases. As an application, the Klein paradox in the presence of minimal length is discussed for all equations.
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    Kernel-type estimator of the reinsurance premium for heavy-tailed loss distributions
    (Elsevier, 2014) Benkhelifa, Lazhar
    In this paper, we generalize the classical estimator of the reinsurance premium for heavy-tailed loss distributions with a kernel-type estimator. Since this estimator exhibits a bias, we propose its biasreduced version by using a least-squares method. The asymptotic normality of the proposed estimators is established under suitable assumptions. A small simulation study is carried out to prove the performance of our approach.
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    On solvability of the integrodifferential hyperbolic equation with purely nonlocal conditions
    (2015) Merad, Ahcene; Bouziani, Abdelfatah; OZEL, Cenap
    In this study, we prove the existence, uniqueness, and continuous dependence upon the data of solution to integro-differential hyperbolic equation with purely nonlocal (integral) conditions. The proofs are based on a priori estimates and Laplace transform method. Finally, we obtain the solution using a numerical technique (Stehfest algorithm) by inverting the Laplace transform.